Our Speakers
The 2018 convention is all about hostas!
Keynote address by Bob Olson,
the Warren I. Pollock Hosta Symposium,
and other technical and instructional sessions.
Speakers and Schedules subject to change.
Team Leaders: Warren I. Pollock and Marilyn Romenesko

Bob Olson, Keynote speaker
The American Hosta Society: Celebrating 50 Years
Long-serving editor of The Hosta Journal, Bob will bring us a retrospective of the people and the progress made in expanding the world of hostas from its lowly status as an exotic pass-along to its lofty perch as America's most popular perennial. Join Bob on a journey celebrating 50 years of the American Hosta Society.
Thursday, 1:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom

Sam Hoadley, Longwood Gardens
Special topic: a preview of Longwood and its Hillside Garden
Sam is a Head Gardener at Longwood and worked on the extensive redesign of the Hillside Garden, necessitated by the renovation of the Main Fountain Gardens and it extensive plumbing network originally tied to the hillside waterfall. Sam has hostas in his blood, as a former employee at O'Brien Nurserymen in Connecticut.
Thursday, 2:45 p.m., Grand Ballroom

Warren I. Pollock
Technical session: Sporting in Hostas
Warren is well-known to the AHS as a past editor of The Hosta Journal and author of its long-running series, "What's in a Hosta Name?" His own scientific curiosity led to a friendship with Professor Ben Zonneveld of Leiden University, now Naturalis, in the Netherlands; Dr. Zonneveld is the world's foremost authority on hosta genetics. Warren will present an overview of the work with the latest updates, with attendees receiving presentation materials in advance. He is also a generous sponsor of the Warren I. Pollock Hosta Symposium on Thursday.
Wednesday, 8:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom. Due to high interest, we have moved to a larger room. Pre-registration still required.

Hostaphile Philly Forum
A Town Hall meeting on hosta culture
An open forum moderated by Warren Pollock, where attendees are invited to ask questions and review their experiences. Topics, to be guided by AHS hosta experts, will include HVX and foliar nematodes, best gardening practices, and more. Bring photos on flash drives as needed to pose questions or further the discussion.
Saturday, 2:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom
The Warren I. Pollock International Hosta Symposium
Thursday morning and Friday afternoon
Note: due to scheduling and speaker constraints, we have replaced the (too-)small room repeated presentation format with a standard symposium.
Hosta show judges should still be able to take in one or two presentations.

Mark Zilis, Rochelle, Illinois
Hostas Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
As author of the preeminent books on hostas (Zilis' Field Guide to Hostas and The Hostapedia) and hosta auctioneer extraordinaire, Mark needs little introduction to AHS audiences. His former nursery and propagation enterprise, Q & Z Nursery, introduced many of our best-known hostas. His current A to Z Perennials provides tissue culture propagation for Green Hill Farms (Bob Solberg, a convention vendor), and for Land of the Giants Hosta Farm (Jeff Miller).
Thursday, 8:45 a.m., Grand Ballroom
Hugo Philips, Brasschaat, Belgium
Hostas in Europe: What's new?
Hugo Philips is curator of the phenomenal hosta database at www.myhostas.be, and the originator of nearly 40 hostas including the impressive 'Sultans of Swing'. He is plugged in to both the American and European sides of the hosta world, and will bring us his perspective from the continent on the other side of the pond.
Thursday morning, 9:40, Grand Ballroom
June Colley, Lindford, Hampshire, UK
Hostas in Japan: My visits in 2016, 2017, and 2018
June has been paying periodic visits to Japan to see hostas in the wild and in collectors' gardens. She will detail many of the prominent Japanese hosta collectors and nursery owners. June is the editor of the British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society Bulletin, and a contributing photographer and author for The Hosta Journal.
Thursday morning, 10:20, Grand Ballroom
Jonathan Hogarth, Wokingham, Berkshire, UK
'Blue Mouse Ears' Sports: My Experiences. The Good and the Not So Good
Jonathan is the holder of the British National Collection of Hostas Small and Miniature, and is a medalist of the Royal Horticultural Society Flower Shows. This presentation will also feature use of aeroponics crown propagation equipment and techniques, assisted by Roger Smith of Severn, Maryland. The aeroponics equipment will be offered for a special silent auction on Friday night.
Friday afternoon, 2:30, Grand Ballroom