American Hosta Society
50th Anniversary Convention
June 20-23, 2018
Thanks for a Phantastic convention!
See you next year in Green Bay: www.ahs2019event.org
Click logo to feel the LOVE
Phifty in Philly — Convention Memories
The Delaware Valley Hosta Society was pleased to host the 2018 Convention, marking the 50th anniversary of both the founding of the AHS and its first convention, which took place near Philadelphia, America's Garden Capital.
You can download a slideshow of memories: photos submitted by attendees.
Powerpoint versions are smaller read-only files, but for best display, download the large movie files (with ambient background music). Enjoy!
Movie at desktop resolution. (1.5 GB)
Movie at full resolution. (2.6 GB)
And finally, the group shot taken at Longwood Gardens is here.
A convention like no other
Jam-packed from start to finish. See the teasers below, and click the headers for all the details.
Questions about an AHS convention? Try our new FAQs.